Saturday, November 30, 2019

Outline the Learning Theory of Attachments free essay sample

Outline the learning theory explanation of attachments. The learning theory proposes that attachment behaviours are learnt through the imitation of the attachment figures meaning they are not innate. One explanation of how this happens is through Classical Conditioning. In the Learning Theory Classical Conditioning is the forming of an attachment through association. The Learning Theory states that when a baby is born they naturally want food. When the mother feeds the baby it automatically associates the food which is the primary reinforces with its mother who is the secondary reinforces. Therefore an attachment is formed with the mother because she is giving what the baby needs most. the mother feeding the baby when the baby cries will mean that the baby learns that crying will get them food which then makes the baby happy, the food is the unconditioned stimulus and the happiness from the child is the unconditioned response the primary care giver is the neutral stimulus, over time the baby will associate the mother with food and the presence of just the mother will make the baby happy, the mother is the conditioned stimulus and the baby being happy to see the mother is the conditioned response. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline the Learning Theory of Attachments or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another explanation of how attachments are learned according to the Learning Theory is through Operant Conditioning. Operant Conditioning involves reinforcement or a reward to maintain a relationship. Dollard and Miller stated that all babies are born with a need to reduce feelings of hunger. When the mother feeds the baby it acts as a positive reinforcement or a reward on the behaviour of the baby. The reward that the baby receives is a positive reward and therefore the baby is likely to repeat the same behaviour to provoke the same response from the mother. This reinforces the attachment bond between mother and child because she is the one providing the food. Dollard Miller (1950) used the term secondary drive hypothesis to describe the processes of learning an attachment through operant and classical conditioning. Secondary drive hypothesis explains how primary drives which are essential for survival, such as eating when hungry, become associated with secondary drives such as emotional closeness. They extended the theory to explain that attachment is a two way process that the caregiver must also learn, and this occurs through negative reinforcement when the caregiver feels pleasure because the infant is no longer distressed.

Monday, November 25, 2019

African American women in goverment essays

African American women in goverment essays If we were to analyze the annals of history, we would discover and uncover so many interesting events that contribute to the Unites States of America, that we all call home today. Looking in the past and seeing Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon would tantalize our minds with discovery. Or watching with horror and disbelief as we see Japan sweep over Pearl Harbor. If we peered a little deeper, we would see that African-American women have been pioneers and trailblazers in our government. They have made outstanding accomplishments and broken through so many barriers. Women like Johnnie Gibson, Jane Bolin, and Carol Braun have made astonishing changes in our government and on how the world views African-American women. Jonnie Mae Gibson was the first African-American female undercover agent to work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (McClure 1). Johnnie Gibson was born on March 1, 1979 in Caryville, Florida (McClure 2). Gibson grew up and received her early education in Florida (2). After graduating from high school, she continued her education and received an Associate degree in Nursing at Chipola Junior College in Marianna, Florida (2). In the year of 1968, Gibson earned her bachelors degree from Albany State College (2). She advanced even more in her studies and received her masters degree in education from Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia in 1976 (2). Gibson then started working for the police department in Albany, Georgia (McClure 2). She worked for Albany Police Department for three years and then she received news from the F.B.I. (2). After four to six months of background investigation, she was informed that she had two weeks to prepare before she went away to F.B.I. training in Quantico, Virginia (2). Gibson had a difficult decision to make, would she stay in Albany where she was comfortable or go somewhere where she knew life would not be so placid. Gibson prepared herself to ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Gift from a Son Who Died Essay Sample

cubic decimeter thought the Sun and the Moon would travel oui. I thought ioy itself would decease when Eric died. He had given so much to all ot us his household. his iriends And yet his decease is non the terminal oi ioy after all lt s sornehow another beginning. . lour’ Eric died at 22. aller a ahd-a-half -year battle with leukaemia. R While he left thallium with the deep contusions ol heartache. he left us sg much more So much to celebratel There’s a triumph here that I m still lrying io understand Why do l. even in loss. leel stronger? Why does life on lhis untldy. unsafe planet seem more wonderfullY Precious? I am witting now ol the vaiue of each good minute. the importance oi blowing nil. These lhings are Eric’s gildings to me. They weren’t easy bought or qui6kly accepted. And noi all came iied with ribbonst manY were delivered with blows ln add-on to leLrkemla. Eric was enduring from adolescence. And there were iimes when this status took more oui of us than his other one A seventeen-year-old male child who may non populate to go a adult male is all of a sudden in a great haste. Like a hawkish new state he wants instant lndependence and no comprornises A { ier the ilrst few hebdomads Eric qulckly took charge oi his unwellness cubic decimeter was no longer to speak io the physicians ln Nraga’ ne Copvrighl vitamin E ) lact-the message came through clearly-l was no longer to speak at all unless lcould avoid sounding like a disquieted female parent. Possibly it would hold been dilferent iJ we’d had a opportunity cubic decimeter ( J preparo tor whal was coming. but it was a bolt of lightning from a cloudless sky. We live in a little ConnocticLlt town. merely a block from the beach. This had been a summer Iike many others. The forepart hall was. as usual. full ol sand and kicked-of T gym shoes. cryptic towels thal didn’l belong lo us. an assorlment ol swimming Lins. and association football balls. By September. l. like many female parents. was hall-lo’rgilg for school to slarl and hal’dreading it. Our twenty-year-old girl had married. and now Eric was packed and ready to travel otf ior his first-year twelvemonth at the Universily of Connecticut. But len-year-old Lisa and ‘ourleen-year-old Mark would still oe al place. lkept telljng myself how lucky Id oe to hold less laundry and fewer cooky crumbs to postulate with. But I didn’t precisely believe it. One afternoon Eric and lboth wanted the auto at the same minute. †1ve got to run al the path. N4om. † He was have oning his association football shoris and running places. â€Å"lve merely got two more yearss before school starls. and Im non in form † I knew how much he wanted to do the lreshman association football squad when he got to college. but I had work to. make. â€Å"l have to travel to the pressman. † lsaid. â€Å"But l’ll bead you ofl at the field and choice y ou up subsequently. † â€Å"Okay. He scowled a spot at the via media. As we drove olf together. I noticed something on his leg-an ugly ruddy sore. large and unit of ammunition as a Ag dollar’ There was another larther down. And another on his other leg. â€Å"Eric. What have you got on Your legs? † â€Å"Dunno. Liille infection possibly. † †lt doesn’t look small to me. cubic decimeter protested. â€Å"lmpeiigo is what it looks like. We’d better travel R ; ght over to the doctor’s ‘like mad. lf that’s what it ls. they aren t even traveling to allow you into the cabinet room. We ve got two yearss before You qo. Let’s acquire the physician to unclutter it up office. ’ – â€Å"Moml† He was ferocious. †Eric. ‘ I said- â€Å"lmpetigo spreads †All right. † he said dully. The sores did non look like impetigo to our physician. He told his secreiary to name ll^e hospilal a ’ld â€Å"-range to hold E. Intelligence Communities admilted following forenoon for trials. Be at that place at eight. Eric. † he said†What trials? † lturned to the physician. Eric had had a complele physical requ’red lor all freshers. merely 12 yearss before. Blood tesls. excessively. He’d passed wilh winging colourss. †I want them lo rebroadcast some of the blood trials. ‘ said the physician. I’ve besides ordered a bone marrow-† I blanked out the words â€Å"bone marrow† as if I’d neer heard them Alter all. llhought as we drove home’ he d jlst had that perfect physical. ‘ Yet the nexl afternoon when the phone rang and the physician was saying’ â€Å"l’d like to speak to you and your hubby togelher-† I knew at one time. â€Å"You don Ts have to state me. † I said. â€Å"l know. Eric has leukamla. † I was one time in a house struck bY lightning. The sensati on’ the scene’ even the unusual electrical odor relurned at that minute A powerful bolt seemed to enie. the top ol my skull as I got the message. . Eric had leukemiaHe’d ever been a all right athlete’ a competilor. a smuggler. Now fate had lripped him ; he stumbled and fell’ Yet how rapidly he tried to acquire up and fall in the race againl Leli at horno that lall. really ill. with his friends scatlering to schools and iobs. he still was determined to travel to college subsequently. analyze difficult. nlake the association football ieam. finally make all Arnerican. To these ends he shortly added suppress symptoms and produce periods of remittal. They did non cognize how to bring around it. There was hope. though’ in the fact that Eric had a type ol childhood leukaemia that was particularly antiphonal to drug thorapy. { BY now. a lew youngsiers arb really belng cuaed of it. ) But Eric. Al 17. was beyond the age of most efiective intervention Soon we discovered that his body overreacted to many of the best drugs and that the recommended high dosage’ needed to destruct morbid cells. tended excessively rapidly to pass over out heallhy ones’ There were times during those first months when I saw him agitate. tighting for control. After all. it hadn t been tqo. long since he was a little male child who could throw himself in my a. MS for comlort Part of him must hold been shouting. †Please salvage me! Don’t allow me diel† fifty couldn’t save him. but lcould show him my ain best courago cubic decimeter learned to conceal my conceln. my tenderness’ and lsaw he was strengthened by my composure He had to run free to be a mafl lwanted that. lf there were io be no other option. eventua ly I would assist him decease like a We learned to be insouciant with danger. to populate with decease I! st around ihe corner. Whenever Eric was discharged irom the infirmary after lransiusions ( first they would give him two. ihˆn five. lhen seven ) . he would lly toss off the stairss one more-to stay alive We both knew ihat lremendous ordeals lay in front Leukemia malignant neoplastic disease of the blood. had always been a fleet slayer When Eric develoPed lhe dlsease in 1968. physicians had merely found ways to decelerate it down by utilizing powerlul drugs lo A Time lor couraqe merely singing a dut { el bag’ as Illinois he were himback lrom a great weekend l’d manus the keys to lhe auto. slide over. and Ho would pick up his life as if nil had happened. Bqt there were ever drugs’ ever turns of sickness. I remember one time slarting uP the stepss to convey him a cup oJ weak tea He passed me on the manner down have oning his swim short pantss and transporting a speal gun get lgnor: ng l’le lea. he said Vaybe cubic decimeter ll played pick-up you a fish lor supper† He soccer. weekend foolball’ and hoops with a haemoglobin so low it left him short of breath. on occasion falnt On ihe hoops tribunal. his teammates. galloping lor a end at the other terminal of the gym. would shout†Ã¢â‚¬ËœJusl remain there’ Eric-we’11 be right back. † ll was ever more than a game he played. His life was on the line’ †Exercise. Attitlld6. Desire were the chalked words on his chalkboard These threo words would convey him through †You don t dice of leuk you know. ’ he qoes said one time lo me Somelhi. g else traveling to Your bosom. Or your child ; eys lm l’m be ready ior it when it comes for ‘ne traveling to win. But he was rioi coniused about ihe nature of hls enemy-at least nol by the clip he d exhausted some hebdomads on the 8th lloor of [ 4emorial Hospitals Ewing Pavilllon in New York Ewing Pallenls speak a batch about remittals. oi class. Remission -that seductive wordl Hope. with the end_tohope implied. Eric’s remittals encouraged us Once he gol an elevenmonth stay of executing with the dr! g at him Methotrexate. I remember beach Thai summer as he ran the ‘ooklng with triends. AII of them tan. radiance. happy’ allwith the same powqrful shoulders’ the same strong. brown legs What could at that place be in the bonds of one that differed from the others? The following twenty-four hours Memo’ial phoned- Eric’s most recent trials had showa that his remittal was at an terminal Even as lwatched him. wild cells had been jumping up in his marrow like dragon’s ieeth. More and so more AIM/ays more than could be slain’ ‘ Eric endured and survived many crises- He learned to populate on the border of the shelf and non look down Whenever he had to be in the hospital’ Memorial’s doclors qave him passes to get away tho horror. Once he wenl out beckoning good-by to less fortunate inmales on the’floor. merely to return an hr subsequently beckoning from the ambulance stretcher. There was no livjng withoul R ; sks and so he tool them. { Th: s is one of his particular giits to me. Darel Take life. dangers and all. ) The disease gained on him. To forestall infitction Ho was fjnally put jn a windowless. stray chamber. the laminal air-flow room. Sterile air. sleriJe everything. sterjle masks. caps. gowns. baseball mitts for anyone come ining his room. He joked. played io the eager audjence peering through his gtass-windowed door. And so sudden terrible bleedings. Six yearss of unconsciousness. soarjng febrilities. His white count was perilously low. Plalelet count zerol Hemoglobin barely deserving adverting. Certain I thougrrt. Thursday. s rs the terminal. 8ut friends came. literally by bLsloads to gtve blood for t. ansfusrors During that crisisr it took more than 32 blood givers a twenty-four hours merely to maintain him alive. lwatched the physicians and nurses proding for veins_ taping both needled weaponries lo boards. packing the bleedings. agitating him to bestir him irom daze. and llhoughl: EnoughlLet him dje in peacel Why brlng him back lor more? He’s proved himsetl-and beyond. He s had two qood old ages of college. He made the association football squad and even made the dean’s list. No morel Let him gol But I had atom to larn about my son’s strength and lesources. There was still much good tife to be lived at the border of the dark topographic point. Erio came back. He had to stay in the laminal air-flow room. off and on. for about fou. . months. Yet within hebdomads hˆ was running from 12 to fifteen stat mis a twenty-four hours. That spring. he didn cubic decimeter acquire back lo coltege. but in hjs absence they named him captain of the association football leam ; he received lhe award for The l4ost lmproved ptayer. and fina Y was ljsted among the All-New England All-Stars. Proud awards. jusuy won. And rl. ere were others. We have a bookcase full of plaques and decorations. BJt I I’easure even more the rhings they don’t give decorations for: his irreverent wit ; the warmlh and love and consideration he qave his lrjends. especjally his companions in the War on the Eighth Floor. For these last he was a jaunty hero. subsister ol heroic poem batfles. yet he was ever one of them ; hopefully. the Golden Warrior who would take them all to victory-or at least flight. He and a fetlow lnmate about managed it one time. Hiding themselves in laundry carts under djrty linen. they rode down nine floors on the service lift and out to the pavement. Just short of oe’rg joaded wilh tl^e taurdry on a t. uc. they decided to give thenselves up and travel back to cram maarow’ endovenous bottles. and the remainder of it. There was after all. no existent manner oulAs a varlation on the subject of flight. Eric invenled Ralph the Camel. a melancholic dromedary who’ although hospitalized { or â€Å"humpomeia†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ someway managed to last all the witless ireatments his dociors could invent. lncluding day-to-day injections of pineapple juice. Ealph starred in a series of belowground amusing books known as The AdlentLrres ol Eiting 8. which featured Memori al’s top physicians. nurses’ technicians. and other notables’ all drawn by Eric in unmerciful imitation As Dr Bayard Clarkson put it. Eric spared no 1. but we could haadly wait for the following Advenhue- ‘ When they asked for more. his monetary value was simple: â€Å"Get me in remittal. two looked convincing. The dociors broke up. The ward cheered! For the moment’ wit had decease on the tally. The 8th lloor was a bad Topographic point to do friends. As one crusty old patienl put ii. Makg mutton quad and you’ll lose’em † Bul lor Eric. there was no manner to remain uninvolved. ln the beginning he looked for the secrets of endurance in the most spiriled people around him. â€Å"That Eileen is so great. ’ he told me ‘She’s crush this thing tor five yearsl† Or. â€Å"Look at that old glry. Mr. Miller’ They merely took out his lien. but he’s hanging in therel† . Then. as the months oi his interventions lengthened into old ages. he began to see them travel. The good. the brave. the beautilul. the weak. the whining. thˆ passive- They were all traveling the same manner. . Eileen. Mr. l4iller’ and so many more. when he was at place during one of his last remissions’ he chalked uP new words on his chalkboard. ‘We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea and we owe each olher a lerrible loyally ( G. K Cheslerton ) Eric would non abandon or fauli his companlons He would play his bosom out while the qame might 6till be won’ but he was get downing to ihink ol the unthinkable. The casualty lists on the eighlh floor were long. At the terminal. Eric eventually accepted his ain decease. This credence was his last’ most cherished gilding to me-what made my one ol his feats becarne a fable.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Eminent Domain (Real Estate Analysis) Research Paper

Eminent Domain (Real Estate Analysis) - Research Paper Example In most cases use of eminent domain by real estate developers results in disputes and court proceedings referred to as condemnation proceedings. Additionally, use of eminent domain by private agents can result in increased corruption since the agents can use the process to enable them pay less for property. In some cases, government official have been involved in corruption whereby they have used eminent domain to acquire private property and later sold it to private developers. The power of eminent domain is restrained by public clause of Fifth Amendment, which requires that the government provide adequate evidence for the acquisition in addition to just compensation before seizing private property for public use (Aycock and Black 53-54). Initially, the eminent domain was used to obtain private properties for public uses such as schools, roads, and parks. However, the eminent domain has been expanded and is often used to include other project meant to benefit the public. Real estate agents are thus able to employ the power of eminent domain when they want to acquire property for purposes such as urban renewal projects. Several real estate agents help in fostering development, which is crucial for economic growth. They are thus empowered by eminent domain to acquire property for commercial development (Aycock and Black 53-55). There are many questions regarding the legitimacy of eminent domain especially when it is used to acquire property for private developers such as real estate agents. Although the government is required to provide evidence that the project is for public benefit, there are question on how some real estate projects benefit the public. Additionally, ways of calculating of the just compensation is questionable. Therefore, it is important that the government exercise eminent domain carefully since it affect the constitutional rights of the property owners (Cook Web). Transfer of property land to real estate agents entails

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Waste management short essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Waste management short - Essay Example Methods of managing waste could vary from depending on the geographical location and conditions of the area (Kreith & George, 2002). Some of the most common and efficient methods of waste disposal that could be used include reusing of goods to extend their lifespan, decreasing the amount of waste from industries (Ghosh, 2003). Waste management has become of importance in all cities across the world due to the growing population and high consumerism. The urbanization, growth and development in developed and some developing countries have also attributed increased wastes. Most of these countries however lack a proper way of managing this waste to prevent environmental pollution. The destruction of the environment can also be attributed to use of hazardous materials that produce toxic waste such as paints batteries, fluorescent lights, and other material which emit toxic chemicals (Kreith & George, 2002). Mismanagement of hazardous waste poses a threat to the environment as well as endangering human health. Solid waste from factories has attributed to the release of industrial waste that could be hazardous to human beings. Most of these factories have unfortunately not implemented ways to manage the waste they produce. Appropriate management of waste should however be approached systematically in logical steps. The first important step to waste management is to identify the type of waste since there is diverse range of waste of which each has different ways of disposal (Lemann, 2008). For instance waste can be identified to be organic, toxic, recyclable or soiled waste. The second step of waste management is to evaluate the waste. Evaluation is done to examine the characteristics of the waste in terms of hazard levels, physical characteristics. Evaluation also helps come up with how best the identified waste can be managed without destroying the environment. Upon evaluation, it is determined whether the waste is hazardous or non hazardous. The process of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa Essay Example for Free

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa Essay Many people wish to have a perfect body. Desires of having a perfect body could lead to a disorder called, anorexia nervosa. This disease is an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and a fear of becoming overweight. Anorexia nervosa is mainly related to an individual’s emotionality. Some of the causes of this disease are, personal feelings, stressful events, and cultural influences. The first cause of anorexia nervosa that is the most important cause is a worthless personal feeling. A person who has a low self-esteem usually feels valueless. Despite achievements in his or her life, they do not like the way he or she looks. These feelings cause the individual to feel rejected and have an alleged pressure from the society. Teens become very depressed when they are over weight, because people tease them and they feel that they cannot fit in with the crowd. Even if a teenager is not overweight, one may feel that they must maintain their body size. As a consequence, an anorexic person is always looking for the perfection, causing them to have a feeling of worthlessness. The next cause of this disorder is the existence of stressful events in life. Although anorexia is linked to a physical condition, the real cause is related to an individual’s emotionality. Someone may usually feel stressed and worried when they are working and are under pressure. The feeling of stress can cause one to not feel like eating. Commonly people suffer nervousness as a consequence of experience and life changes. These situations begin to affect the schedule of daily living. People can become very busy and feel that if they skip a meal it will be okay. Sometimes if more than one meal is skipped, this can lead to someone not participating in vital activities to stay healthy. In the case of anorexia nervosa, a person is stressed and begins to stop eating in the right times or even stop eating altogether. Another cause of anorexia is the cultural influence of the country where we live today. In many societies, they consider that the ideal beauty is based on extreme thinness. In today’s society, this idea has caused thousands of women and men to turn to starvation, diets, or people use products that supposedly make them lose weight in a few days. Being extremely thin has become an important factor for people. To many people being thin represents beauty, success, happiness, and self-control. People are targeted with messages from the media that they must diet to meet this standard. This ideal body image is almost impossible for most people to reach, leaving them very dissatisfied with their body image. The causes of anorexia nervosa are situations that may look normal, but have deathly consequences. This is a serious, possibly terminal illness. People, who have this disease have, negative personal feelings, stressful events in their life, and cultural influences.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Baron Haussmann and the redesign of Paris :: Essays Papers

Baron Haussmann and the redesign of Paris During the last half of the 1800’s and the early part of the 1900’s urban population in western Europe made enormous increases. During this period France’s overall population living in cities increased twenty percent, and in Germany the increase was almost thirty percent. This great flow of people into cities created many problems in resource demands and patterns of urban life. These demands created a revolution in sanitation and medicine. Part of this revolution was the redesigning of cities. G.E. Baron Von Haussmann was the genius behind the new plans for the city of Paris. The redesign of Paris was one of the greatest ambitions for Napoleon III. He wanted to create another London, with large parks and open spaces. It also came out of the need for more efficient housing, wider streets to prevent riots and the building of a sewer system to stop the spread of diseases. The master behind Napoleon’s visions was Baron Von Haussmann, prefect of the Seine. He created the Paris we know today with spacious boulevards and beautiful sights. The redevelopment by Napoleon III and Haussmann consisted of three major parts: streets and buildings, parks, and services. The first major problem with the city before reconstruction was that the streets were very narrow and wound endlessly around the city. These narrow streets had been a problem in that for many years they had been the battlegrounds for strikes against the French government. Haussmann and Napoleon sought to change this by widening the streets and give more structure to their flow. Haussmann saw streets as having two main purposes. The first was for a place to simply live, shop, and a place to socialize for the growing middle class. The second was a way to connect main points of the city. The streets provided rapid access from the railway stations, government buildings, central markets, hospitals and entertainment districts. It also linked the central organs of administration and businesses such as fire department riot police, ambulances, and depa rtment store deliveries. This reconstruction of streets could not be done without great demolition of many private buildings. Baron Haussmann and the redesign of Paris :: Essays Papers Baron Haussmann and the redesign of Paris During the last half of the 1800’s and the early part of the 1900’s urban population in western Europe made enormous increases. During this period France’s overall population living in cities increased twenty percent, and in Germany the increase was almost thirty percent. This great flow of people into cities created many problems in resource demands and patterns of urban life. These demands created a revolution in sanitation and medicine. Part of this revolution was the redesigning of cities. G.E. Baron Von Haussmann was the genius behind the new plans for the city of Paris. The redesign of Paris was one of the greatest ambitions for Napoleon III. He wanted to create another London, with large parks and open spaces. It also came out of the need for more efficient housing, wider streets to prevent riots and the building of a sewer system to stop the spread of diseases. The master behind Napoleon’s visions was Baron Von Haussmann, prefect of the Seine. He created the Paris we know today with spacious boulevards and beautiful sights. The redevelopment by Napoleon III and Haussmann consisted of three major parts: streets and buildings, parks, and services. The first major problem with the city before reconstruction was that the streets were very narrow and wound endlessly around the city. These narrow streets had been a problem in that for many years they had been the battlegrounds for strikes against the French government. Haussmann and Napoleon sought to change this by widening the streets and give more structure to their flow. Haussmann saw streets as having two main purposes. The first was for a place to simply live, shop, and a place to socialize for the growing middle class. The second was a way to connect main points of the city. The streets provided rapid access from the railway stations, government buildings, central markets, hospitals and entertainment districts. It also linked the central organs of administration and businesses such as fire department riot police, ambulances, and depa rtment store deliveries. This reconstruction of streets could not be done without great demolition of many private buildings.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Different Leadership Styles in the Public Service

There are several different leadership styles used within the public services. Therefore there are many varied suggestions that define someone as being a strong leader. However a ‘leadership style’ is a unique style that people recognise to encourage or influence other people in a way others do not so that they admire and want to be like. A team leader’s role in the public services is to provide instruction and direction and guidance and leadership this is to help inspire and encourage the team to reach their goals and aims.They have to keep the team focused on there current task or tasks and be able to communicate within their group effectively. Team spirit needs to be kept positive so that this ensures that tasks assigned are completed on time and that the group’s standards are always kept high. The three main Leadership styles used in the public services: AuthoritarianThe Authoritarian leader makes quick, clear and precise independent decisions without a ny input. Even if there was, it wouldn’t affect the overall decision making as it needs to be decided quickly. The appropriate leader that would use the common traits of an authoritarian leader would be an officer in the army because usually they are loud and demanding. DemocraticThe democratic leader involves the whole team having an input in the decision-making. The team members can give opinions that may affect or influence the final decision. The team leader is still responsible for the final decision but after listening, taking in account all the opinions and weighing them up. The appropriate way this style can be used is in the fire service, for example, rescuing a person or people in a burning building therefore it needs more than one person to help decide the best decision. Laissez faireThe laissez faire leader more of an independent off hands approach. This style is only used if the leader has a lot of trust in the team and relies on them to get on with the task in h and with high standards and little direction. However the team has a lot more freedom to achieve because they are highly motivated and feel empowered. For example the most effective way  this style could be used is if you gave a police forensic team to go out and complete a task.Other leadership styles used in public servicesTransactionalThe transactional style of leadership is pretty straight forward but it uses rewards and punishments to motivate the team. This is a style of leadership that is similar but not as extreme as the autocratic style. The transactional styles are direct and dominant and spend a great amount of time saying what is expected from the team as a whole. The leaders monitor the work and each and everyone’s individual performance, there is also a clear chain of command. Transactional leaders are very commonly found within businesses where people are given rewards such as bonuses, training or time off if they show a good demonstration.TransformationalThe transformational style of leadership focuses on the team’s performance as a whole, it encourages everyone to think of the group as a whole and rather not just themselves. Transformational leaders aim to make their team members better people by encouraging their self-awareness, it’s all about moving forward in a team and not just several individuals in one group. An example of transformational leadership would be within the army where as a team you all have to move forward and stick together in a group ‘’never leave a man behind’’.BureaucraticThe bureaucratic style of leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on rules and procedures to manage teams and projects. This is a classic style of leadership that is used quite a lot in organisations that don’t encourage innovation and change by leaders who maybe insecure and uncertain in what their role maybe. It is defused among a number of departments or people where there is a strict set of rules. This approach to leadership is commonly used in uniformed and non-uniformed public services. Bureaucratic  leadership is common in jobs were safety and efficiency is very important. Occupations would include fire-fighters, police, nursing, and the armed forces. People orientatedPeople Orientated is slightly similar but a bit different to the task-orientated leadership. Within this style of leadership, this style focuses on participation of all the team members, clear communication, supporting and developing the individual in order to improve their skills. The members of this team inspire other people by unlocking their own potential, this style is participative and encourages good team work. As an example in the police if a woman has kids the leader would let her go home and ask others to stay behind. Task OrientatedIn this style of leadership it’s all about getting the job done. It’s all about the key of the task rather than about everyone else in the team. Their main focus is just to get the task done weather it is instructed or unstructed. This style can have many difficulties such as difficulties of the lack of motivating and the retaining the team as a whole. An example a police inspector organising crowd control at a football match may use a task-cantered approach.Comparing and Evaluating the three main styles of leadership The three main types of leadership styles are Autocratic, Democratic, and Laissez-faire. Autocratic is when the leader has complete control, and no one else gets to make decisions. Despite that they get many tasks completed, morale is low. Democratic is considered to be the best. Everyone has a voice on how things are done. People who are then the leader have better morale, and get better quality of work done. Laissez Faire is when the leader plays no role in completing objectives. Very little is achieved under a Laissez Faire rule. If a civilian was trapped inside a vehicle after an accident collision th e fire brigade would be called to assist within the accident.The type of leadership style I would use in this scenario would be the democratic approach, my reasons for this are that the team need time to consider the best possible option/decision to bring about the best result. In my opinion I would not use the Autocratic approach as this is where a leader needs to  think and act fast without no input from their team. In this situation thinking and acting fast might not bring about the best result as you need to consider if the victim trapped in the vehicle has any injuries that might affect his removal from the vehicle, or any problems with the vehicle it’s self such as a dangerous leak that could potentially cause an explosion or a fire.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

L’oreal and the Globalization of American Beauty Essay

How did L’Oreal become the world’s largest beauty company? What was the role of acquisitions in the growth? The global strategy of Loreal started first from European countries like Austria, Italy, and the Holland providing hare care and hair color products. After the launch in the USA, they decided to expand their market share by mainly M&A of many similar but way smaller companies. With proper acquisition strategy over the years, they finally became the largest company in beauty industry. L’Oreal offers consumers worldwide â€Å"American† and â€Å"French† concepts of beauty. Are there any limits to the national beauty images it can globalize? There may be some limits for Lorear to go more ‘worldwide’ even if they have huge branches and offices over the world. I think it may be related with ‘racial issues’. The society for ‘minority’ is changing faster than ever before, but still, the ‘majority’ of American and European countries are white but Asian, African American, and Hispanic. Thus, if they really care about optimal ‘globalization’ in all ways, they should probably consider making their diversified strategy in other markets (minorities). What are the global opportunities for Kiehl’s? What are the limits, if any? Even though Kiehl’s were taken over by Loreal through M&A, their products are not easily found at many stores, unlike there are so many producsts of Lorean in any store. And this is mainly because their products line are simply expensive targeting luxury market, so I think if they really want to go ‘global’ they should find proper way to make their products easily available to the customers through mega-stores like walmart, or target.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Net Effects essays

Net Effects essays The excessive amount of entertaining hours spent on the "International Super Highway" is simply not worth the long-term effects that come with it. Though the Internet provides the material joys of life - music, movies, games - as well as worldwide communication 24 hours a day, the 'Net does have it's set-backs. A few effects of Internet addiction include: "house -arrest," fallen grades at school, as well as the breaking up of personal relationships. When the need to go on the Internet becomes an addiction, staying at home is common ground. It becomes a routine of spending hours in front of the computer from dawn till dust, only leaving the screen for a snack or short break. In addition, the immeasurable amount of hours devoted to the Internet, neglects the time spent for homework and studying for school. Eventually, grades do fall and poor time management is certain. Grades are not the only elements that fall apart, but as do personal relationships with family and friends. Th e need to spend time on the computer rather than with those who are near and dear to you can most certainly break the bonds of a relationship. Similar to studies, friends and family can be neglected as well. Undoubtedly, spending an excessive amount of time on the Internet can result in drastic consequences. It can not only be addicting, but it can also lead to a negative change in your academics, and but personal life for sure. The saying that "Too much of anything, isn't good for you," proves accurate in Internet usage. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Economic freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economic freedom - Essay Example The essay "Economic freedom" concerns the concept that called economic freedom. Studies have shown that human beings operate more efficiently when not under pressure. Freedom allows individuals to practice and fully exploit their creativity. Sociologists have linked human freedom to human creativity and have found it to be working hand in hand. The Sociologists argue that it allows for greater risks taking that would generate better ways of doing business. Economic freedom has three classical viewpoints, institutions, political and indices of economic freedom. This paper presents a discussion on economic freedom. For there to be a smooth flow of trade between parties, there are institutions of economic freedom set to achieve it. The first is the observance of the rule of law. In the application of the law, all parties are equal, and none is superior. The rule of law has obligations that ensure equality of individual in spite of any form of difference between them. Observance of the l aw protects traders from unfair completion. In law, two kinds of parties exist, the one with power and the other one who is governed. Both parties should act in a manner that is required of them and feel protected by the law. In as much as there is the observance of equality, it is not logical for every party to earn the same income. Equality comes in the sense of treatment of one another and not in the distribution of private resources. It is illogical for the government to redistribute earned resources. from citizens in the name of equality (Asafu-Adjaye 78). The next institution is a clear outline for the rights to own private property. A free market allows for the right for people to control their property and benefit from them. In addition to this, the individuals have a right to transfer their property at their own will. Therefore, an individual cannot be prevented from doing whatever he or she likes with the property. With this kind of system, traders are motivated to pursue their goals and continue adding value to their property. The traders are confident that they are capable of transferring their income anytime without the fear of having to leave anything behind when they opt to leave. Studies show that areas with well-defined property rules have a faster economic growth as compared to the areas without. Most research argues that this property rule is the main reason for poverty in third world countries since they do not have well spelt out systems. The third is the freedom of contract, which refers to the right of choosing whom to trade with, or not. The individual parties choose the form of contracts to get into and establish an agreement. However, once establishing the contract they both have to fulfill the terms and conditions and see it through whether one realizes that he will incur losses. In as much as most of the contracts are fair, some are not especially when the parties are unequal. An example is in the case of workers and employers when negotiating a number of working hours. The employer would be looking at maximizing the hours while the worker will be looking at minimizing it. However, since the employer has an upper hand, he tends to win the negotiation (Noyes 43). Economical freedom has come hand in hand with political freedom. Since the market is free, it has prevented politics to dominate trade. This has reduced the threat of suffering because of a political affiliation. It is a point worth noting that economical freedom has grown with the coming of political freedom.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Language and Gender Interaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Language and Gender Interaction - Essay Example In fact, Lakoff also goes further to point out that women find themselves in a no win situation; when they use powerless talk they are not taken seriously and when they become assertive they are frowned upon. This paper is a report on a study carried out to verify whether women indeed employ a register of speech different from that of men. The study also sought to find out if the manner of speech depended on the type of audience being addressed. The audience variables included same sex, mixed sex and an audience younger than the speaker (Children). The rationale of this study was to provide facts, if any were found to exist, about the issue of gender determined language. More often than not, allegations that are mostly aimed at trying to put women down in the social hierarchy have been made to the effect that it exists. Such allegations have rarely been supported by factual data. This study therefore aimed to gather factual data that could contribute to shedding light on whether women's manner of speaking is different from that of men. This could shed light and give direction to the debate. The main thrust of gender-based analyses of language has been the norm-and-devia... The masculine manner of speech is therefore the norm while the feminine method is the deviation, Hall, K. and Bucholtz, M., (1995). This forms the basis upon which the linguistic behavior of either gender is judged. Cameron, et al (1988) point out that it can't be a coincidence that men are aggressive and hierarchically organized conversationalists while women ate expected to provide support to conversation. This position seems to point out to an actual existence of differences in manner of and role in speech delivery that is dictated by individual gender. Indeed that existence of this gender schism is a matter widely taken for granted especially when religious scriptures with Judeo-Christian allegations of male supremacy come into play. Hard data to support such conventions is what is direly needed and there is too little of it. For instance, there is little evidence that in mixed gender gatherings women talk more than men. This is an issue that is assumed rather than proven to be true. Linguists Tannen, Deborah (1994) and Holmes, Janet (2006) have investigated conversational styles in business corporations to verify the gender stereotypes. Their study found that gendered speech does not exist along a continuum. Instead, both males and females use masculine and feminine forms of expression at different times in different contexts. One such context variable is the nature of the speech community. A speech community denotes any group of people coming together to discuss any given issue of mutual interest. Such a community can range from pupil s in a classroom to a crowd at an accident scene. As soon as the group is formed, rules of engagement in the conversation emerge. People will therefore talk differently